Tell me what you want, what you really, really want: How clear feedback keeps your projects on track.
Nothing chews up the budget faster then unclear direction. This is a given at the start of a project, but it’s also important during the project.
Multiple rounds of changes to the creative can affect the budget, schedule, and health of the relationship. Unclear or conflicting client feedback puts the agency in the position of guessing what you want—and wouldn’t you rather get what you want instead of going round and round?
Examples of comments that drive your agency nuts:
• Vague comments: “Don’t like this.” What don’t you like about it? Can you provide examples of things that do resonate with you?
• Conflicting comments: “Bob says ‘Blue’.” Julia says ‘Red’.” Which is it?
• Open ended comments: “Maybe we should include the 350 Series product here.” And no decision is made.
How do you address comments like these to keep you project on track?
Establish a single point of contact with the agency that has the power to filter the unclear comments and provide direct feedback for the agency to execute.
If you are unsure about a subjective comment, talk it through with the agency. We will definitely have an opinion on “red versus blue.”
Providing clear feedback results in you getting changes back faster and will keep the project on schedule and on budget.